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New e-OSCAR Terms of Use Effective Jan 1, 2025
Pursuant to Section 1.3(b) of the e-OSCAR Terms of Use, Online Data Exchange LLC hereby notifies Data Furnisher Registrants of planned changes to the e-OSCAR Terms of Use, to become effective on January 1, 2025.
The updated and modified Terms of Use will supersede existing and prior Terms of Use.
Any Registrant's use of the e-OSCAR System on or after January 1, 2025 will constitute an acceptance of all changes outlined.
The key updates to the Terms of Use are outlined below:
Addition of language as 3.1(b) requiring the use of a secondary verification through Multifactor Authentication to access the e-OSCAR application. Further, 3.1(d) applies the same MFA requirement to any Automation Tool that accesses the application
Expansion of language in 3.1(c) clarifying that Registrants maintain sole responsibility to regularly access the e-OSCAR application to look for ACDVs and any Notifications regardless of any communications OLDE may optionally send to Registrants
Expansion of language in 3.7 Archiving of Records that Registrant explicitly authorizes OLDE to purge and destroy records from the e-OSCAR System in accordance with the timelines specified in the Terms (i.e. 120 days)
Update to 4.1 Transaction Fees to reflect the cost increase from $0.30 to $0.34 per transaction and the increase in minimum quarterly costs
Removal of language from Section 4.3 (b) relating to the now discontinued Annual Prepay Program
Added language to Section 10.2 to clarify responsibilities for both Registrants and OLDE in light of the revised Safeguards Rule
Clarification of language in 10.4 e-OSCAR Security Audits and Certifications to reflect OLDE's current approach to audits & certification
Expansion of language in 12.10 Subcontractors to clarify OLDE security assessments of our third parties, security training requirements for these third parties and responsibilities of OLDE relative the third parties as subject to parameters identified in the Terms.
The updated Terms of Use can be viewed HERE.
New e-OSCAR Transaction Price Effective Jan 1, 2025
The per-transaction price for e-OSCAR System transactions will increase by $0.04, effective January 1, 2025. This adjustment marks the first price change in more than 15 years.
The new rate will be $0.34 per transaction, up from $0.30, reflecting a 13% increase. The minimum quarterly fee will rise to $34.00 for Data Furnishers with fewer than 100 transactions per quarter.
The updated pricing applies to Automated Credit Dispute Verifications (ACDVs) and Automated Universal Data Form (AUD) submissions made through either the e-OSCAR web application or the e-OSCAR API integration. Block Rescission Request (BRR) submissions and Account Reinsertion Requests will no longer be billable transactions starting January 1, 2025.
Over the past 15 years since the last increase in transaction pricing, OLDE has significantly enhanced the e-OSCAR application, including:
Enhanced Security: Added Multifactor Authentication, IP restrictions, database field-level encryption, configurable API encryption and Attestation of Compliance (AOC) with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
API Integration: Allows Data Furnishers to process disputes within their own systems using their own customized workflow and business rules.
Consumer Image Uploads: Ability to receive consumer-uploaded images related to disputes.
“Like” Cases: Groups similar disputes and notifications based on configurable criteria.
Tradeline Block Rescission Requests: Ability to request reconsideration of tradeline removals for identity theft or fraud.
AUD Notifications: Provides Data Furnishers with response notifications for AUD submissions.
Insights by e-OSCAR: Data visualization and analytics for dispute management and trend analysis.
e-OSCAR Learning Management System: Provides operator training with web modules, live webinars, PDFs, and FAQs.
Online Invoice Portal: Access invoices and make payments at e-OSCAR Billing Portal.
The e-OSCAR System, developed by Equifax, Experian, Innovis, and TransUnion, is a Metro 2® compliant automated system for managing consumer credit history disputes.
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