e-OSCAR 4.0 Info Hub
Quick Updates about e-OSCAR 4.0

Quick Updates about e-OSCAR 4.0
Visit this site frequently to stay on top of important updates, quick news items, information on hotfixes and bug releases, and more.
Response Code Validation (RC01, RC03, RC07)
One of the enhancements we added to e-OSCAR 4.0 was that the app now prefills certain consumer information from the request. This was done to save time for associates in reviewing and validating that information. That said, however, the rules engine in the application sees any data in a response field - even if the same as the request data - as a modification. Because of this, if you select a Response Code indicating that you have not modified any account information, an error message is displayed along with a “Clear Account Information” button under the Response Code field. Clicking this button will clear out all data in the response fields of the Account Information page (as nothing was modified, it does not need to be sent to the CRA) and then allow you to submit the ACDV using the Submit button.
Thursday, Feb 6, 2025
Production release eo2025.01 will be released on Thursday, February 6th beginning at 6:00pm ET.
Release notes can be found HERE.
Tuesday, Dec 3
Production release eo2024.15 will be released on Thursday, December 5 beginning at 6:00pm ET. This release will implement the addition of new skills plus a variety of bug corrections.
Release notes can be found HERE.
Tuesday, Oct 29
Production release eo2024.14 will be released on Wednesday, October 30 beginning at 6:00pm ET. This release will implement a a variety of bug corrections.
Release notes can be found HERE.
Wednesday, Oct 9
Production release eo2024.13 will be released on Thursday, October 10 beginning at 6:00pm ET. This release will implement a a variety of bug corrections.
Release notes can be found HERE.
Thursday, Sept 19
Production release eo2024.12 will be released on Thursday, September 19 beginning at 6:00pm ET. This release will implement a one feature change and two small bug corrections.
Release notes can be found HERE.
Tuesday, July 23
Production release eo2024.10 will be released on Thursday, Ju.y 25 beginning at 6:00pm ET. This release will implement a few small bug fixes in the e-OSCAR System and add two minor updates
Release notes can be found HERE.
Tuesday, July 9
Production release eo2024.09 will be released on Thursday, Ju.y 11beginning at 6:00pm ET. This release will implement a few small bug fixes in the e-OSCAR System and add two minor updates
Release notes can be found HERE.
Monday, June 10
Production release eo2024.08 will be released on Thursday, June 13 beginning at 6:00pm ET. This release will implement a few small bug fixes in the e-OSCAR System.
Release notes can be found HERE.
Wednesday, May 22
Production release eo2024.07 will be released on Thursday, May 23 beginning at 6:00pm ET. This release will implement three small bug fixes in the e-OSCAR System.
Release notes can be found HERE.
Thursday, May 16th
Our support team has made a determination that our Stage Testing environment will require a system outage this afternoon (5/16/2024) in preparation of our upcoming DR Exercise.
This will impact Users in the Stage User Interface and in Stage API.
We will bring the application down beginning at 5pm ET. Our expectation is that the application and API services will be available again no later than 8pm ET.
We do not expect to send additional communications out about this outage - unless something occurs that will require the outage to last longer than the tiime period described above.
Monday, April 29th
Production release eo2024.06 will be released on Thursday, May 2 beginning at 6:00pm ET. This release will implement one significant update to the way errors are presented within the e-OSCAR System user interface..
Release notes can be found HERE.
Thursday, April 11th
Production release eo2024.05 will be released on Thursday, April 11 beginning at 6:00pm ET. This release will be comprised of bug fixes and updates.
Release notes can be found HERE.
Thursday, March 21st
Production release eo2024.04 will be released on Thursday, March 21 beginning at 6:00pm ET. This release will be comprised of bug fixes and updates.
Release notes can be found HERE.
Wednesday, February 28th
Production release eo2024.03 will be released on Thursday, February 29 beginning at 6:00pm ET. This release will be comprised of bug fixes and updates.
Release notes can be found HERE.
Tuesday, February 6th
Production release eo2024.02 will be released on Thursday, February 8 beginning at 6:00pm ET. This release will be comprised of bug fixes and updates.
Release notes can be found HERE.
Tuesday, January 16th
Production release eo2024.01 will be released on Thursday, January 18 beginning at 6:00pm ET. This release will be comprised of bug fixes and updates.
Release notes can be found HERE.
Thursday, December 14th, 7:00am
Production release eo2023.10 will be released on Thursday, December 14 beginning at 6:00pm ET. This release will be comprised of bug fixes and updates.
Release notes can be found HERE.
Wednesday, December 6th, 11:30am
Effective 12/5/2023 two new Response Codes have been added to e-OSCAR in response to Data Furnisher Requests.
The new codes are 12 and 13.
12- Information was accurate as of last submission due to recent account activity
13 – Information was accurate as of last submission and was deleted due to data furnisher policy.
The use of these Response Codes is not mandatory and is subject to each Data Furnisher's internal policies and procedures. This does not change the availability of the existing Response Codes.
For more information, please go to e-OSCAR University Learning Management System for Training and Job Aids..
Friday, October 27th, 3:30pm
Last night, we deployed a number of items on our quest to continue to fix ongoing issues uncovered with the e-OSCAR 4.0 application.
AUD Notification Activity Reports & AUD Notification Archives: The existing fields for Date Created, Correction Indicator and Account Number are now populating on the AUD Notification Activity Reports and Archives. These fields existed previously on these reporting but were not always populating for all cases.
Date Range Selection on Activity Reports - We updated the date-range selectors on Activity Reports to present the following message when the number of days between the “Start Date” and “End Date” exceed 31 days, but is only prompted upon choosing an “End Date”: “Date range must be less than 31 days apart”.
Validation logic applicable to Portfolio Indicators - We updated a specific error code within the application to read, “Purchased From or Sold To Name cannot be blank when Portfolio Indicator 1 or 2 is entered” as Portfolio Indicator 9 should not trigger the error.
Archive Bugs in e-OSCAR User Interface -
The selection of ‘Frequency’ is now required for all Reoccurring Archive Requests.
The ACDV Archive Report was updated to include both date and time values in the ACDVResp_Response_Date_Time column.
Updated image file names to include ACDV Case ID or Notification Case ID.
We remedied image file name discrepancies between UI and API cases and discrepancies in image counts for UI and API cases.
Registration Subcode Audit View - Updates were made to the Subcode Audit in e-OSCAR User Interface to ensure that all values (such as ‘Action’ and ‘Status’) are displayed appropriately.
Friday, October 20th, 11:30am
We will be deploying remediations for the following bugs and dissues tonight:
Image Count on the Summary Panel does not reflect the image count for associated images for ACDV and Notification cases
Upon reviewing an associated Image (for ACDV and Notification cases), the image is no longer reflected in the UI as being available for viewing
Once an Image has been accessed by one operator, no other operator can view the Image
Monday, October 16th, 9:00am
The following updates and bug fixes were applied to the e-OSCAR application last week:
Cancel’ AUD Updates: Data Furnishers are now able to select one of the following options after clicking the Cancel button within an AUD:
“Save and Close” - Saves the work done and places the AUD in the operator’s Worklist
“Continue Working” – returns the operator to the AUD form to continue working, and
“Delete” – deletes the AUD form from the system. AUD will not be moved to the Worklist nor will it be displaying in any reporting.
These options are available in the AUD regardless of whether the AUD is in a ‘New’ or ‘Pending-Review’ status.
AUD Notification:
We have added Date Created, Correction Indicator and Account Number to the AUD Notification Workqueue list, Activity Reports and Archives.
AUD Notifications are now able to be searched and located via Work Queue, Work List and Case Search
Payment History Grid Update - We have applied a fix to prevent a leading dash being added to ACDV request fields when an ACDV is created in one calendar month and images are linked to the dispute in the following calendar month.
Thursday, Oct 5th, 10:30am
ARCHIVES: (for ACDV, Block Notification & DR Notification) - These are working - meaning you can get a CSV file with records per your requested Archive criteria via date range.
Some data limitations and file size constraints might hinder your ability to retreive large data sets & a high volume of images (only if the ARchive includes images). We're still working on that
There are no data size limitations that should impact your Archive files if you are not including images.
In the meantime, we suggest that you schedule smaller Archive runs; even as small as a day's worth of data depending upon the size of images associated with your Archive file.
We have improved the way images are saved in Archive files to better associate images with their corresponding transactions (by replacing Image ID with Image Name per respective image). A future change will be to ensure all image names include Case ID.
Whether or not images are included in the schedule, the Archive file (for ACDV & Block/DR Notifications) will always include all image related fields at the end of the file
REPORT CARDS: As a result of a variety of updates, we believe that all monthly Report Cards are accurate now. If you find data that causes you to think otherwise, please open a support ticket immediately.
PRODUCTIVITY REPORTS: Numerous fixes for Productivity Report issues were deployed in mid-September. As a reult, we believe that the data in these reports are accurate.
REINSERTION SUMMARY PANEL UPDATES: We added the following fields to the Reinsertion Summary Panel: ACDV Control Number, ACDV Response Due Date, Dispute Code 1 & 2, FCRA Relevant Information, and Data Furnisher Name. In addition, we added a Case ID link back (within the Reinsertion Summary Panel) to the original ACDV that was used to generate the Reinsertion.
AUD NOTIFICATION ACTIVITY REPORT: We will be implementing a variety of bug fixes relating to AUD Notification Activity Reports in our next release (October 12th).
RESPONSE DUE DATE (RDD) IN WORKLIST: We have added a column including the RDD in the Worklist. This wll help Operators and management identify the most urgent items in an operator’s worklist.
ZIP +4 CORRECTIONS: We have updated the e-OSCAR application to exclude the last 4 from all validations, in keeping with previously announced guidance from the CRAs.
UNIT LISTING: We have replaced the Created column in the Incoming ACDV and Case Review Workqueues with a Unit column in order to help you determine which Unit the case resides. The Skill column remains available.
BUSINESS TYPE CHANGE: Business Type changes for Registrations will now take effect after the change has occurred and the operator has logged out and logged back in again.
Friday, Sept 8th, 10:30am
ARCHIVES: We have received a variety of requests about the availability of Archive data from the e-OSCAR application. Our team is investigating the reported issues and hopes to deploy a Hot Fix to remediate issues preventing the download of Archive files next week. Stay tuned for more details, including the actual date of the Hot Fix. Until we release this update, Archive data may not be available for download. We appreciate the importance of the availability of Archive data and will ensure that all data is preserved for appropriate download upon the remediation of these issues.
NEXT RELEASE: Our next scheduled e-OSCAR release is targeted for September 19th. Among the items that we expect to deploy during that release will be a variety of updates impacting the Productivity Report within e-OSCAR. We expect to publish Release Notes late next week.
Wednesday, Aug 30th, 11:00am
Last night, we deployed a release to correct a few bugs and technical backlog. You can find release notes here.
Thursday, Aug 17th, 7:00pm
We have posted a new video called "The Difference between Save+Exit & Submit" in both the e-OSCAR Learning Management System and on our e-OSCAR TV channel on Vimeo (https://vimeo.com/855530771)
We will be deploying our next release on Friday, Aug 19th, beginning at 6:00pm ET. There WILL NOT be any expected downtime, but you may be briefly logged out of the application. You should be able to immediately log back in.
Items being deployed include:
Updating the following API calls so that the ResponseDate is retreived in EST instead of GMT. /acdvresp/v2/get/{acdvCtrlNum} and /acdvresp/v2/getList
Increasing the processing speed for the Auto Assign ACDV function
Adding Case ID as the last column in the ACDV Archive when images are included with the Archive in order to make it easier to associate images with their corresponding ACDV
Correcting a validation error that prevented DOB from being later than Date of Account Open when ECOA Code 3 is used
Corrected inability to update consumer Middle Name verification indicator from the Review Screen
Added a check box on the Organization Management screen to enable Like/Linked functionality for ACDV and AUD. If checked, the Like/Linked functionality will be displayed within ACDV and AUD transactions
Added Skill as the last column on the Incoming ACDV Work Queue
In order to reduce the likelihood of multiple Operators accessing transactions simultaneously, we are implementing the following:
An update that will immediately move any transaction accessed (through case search, Work Queue, or Recents) to the Worklist of the user accessing the record.
Rendering transactions on an Operator's Worklist as "Read Only" to all other Operators.
When establishing a linkage to Like/Linked transactions by clicking "Connect Cases", all linked cases will move to the Worklist of the Operator that clicked "Connect Cases".
Identifying the "Leader" and "Follower" cases by including the words Leader or Follower above the linked ACDVs section
Upon submission of a Leader case, all response information except Response Code is pre-filled to all Follower cases.